How to cure Leucoderma

Leucoderma and vitiligo are similar disorders with different names. The onset reasons are considered different for vitiligo and Leucoderma. Leucoderma starts after a cut, burn or accidental marks whereas Vitiligo is a self-happening disorder which could start after abrupt food habits, improper hygiene or after contaminated food intake.

Moreover both Leucoderma and Vitiligo have ‘autoimmunity’ as a common reason as the body mechanism or body protection system gets into self-destruct mode in both.

Self-destruction of melanin producing cells causes pigment absence which makes the skin there colourless or white converting that skin area into a white patch.

Ayurvedic treatment for leucodermaIn present scenario there are no age criteria of having Leucoderma as patients can be seen from 2 months of age till 86 years old. It can occur to anybody whose immunity is disturbed and his/her lifestyle and hygiene is abrupt. Food, hygiene and having regular mental stress have major impact on occurrence of Leucoderma. But overall it depends on person’s immunity. Leucoderma spots have generally pet areas of appearance in body as forehead, ear back, nostrils, neck, elbows, knuckles, fingertips, groin area, knees and ankles. Mostly the areas mentioned have bony prominences or the areas which has lesser blood circulation. The affected skin colour may be pale or bright white depending upon the age of the patch.

Leucoderma can be cured through correct Ayurveda treatment only. Ayurvedic treatment for Leucoderma concentrates on removing the root cause as well as providing better immunity by rectification and detoxification of the body. Other treatment options could only complicate a Leucoderma case. Herbs used in treatment of Leucoderma and Vitiligo have positive impact on the sufferers body as the two aspects of Ayurveda treatment actually promotes pigmentation over the white spot areas by energising the dormant melanocyte cells which results into production of melanin pigment. This helps to gain the faded colour over the spots. Another aspect of Ayurvedic Leucoderma treatment is that it improves body metabolism resulting into improved immunity which protects the body from getting the White spots again and by controlling the spreading of the spots.

Ayurvedic treatment for Leucoderma also guides about role of diet and food habits to be followed. Yoga and meditation also helps in faster Leucoderma cure. Ayurveda also guides about it thoroughly.

12 thoughts on “How to cure Leucoderma

  1. debasis biswas

    I have Leucoderma from 7 years but it not remove i discover 3 new can i free from it?

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