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Leucoderma and Vitiligo
Vitiligo and Leucoderma are autoimmune disorders as Leucoderma is termed as its cause may be accidental & Vitiligo as the cause may be internal as autoimmunity. So, for cure medicines are needed to actually treat the root cause and root-cause removal cannot be found in any other treatment system except AYURVEDA. Being a pigment disorder Vitiligo generally appears due to inactivity of melanocytes cells which stop melanin production and the actual cause is related to autoimmunity. Autoimmunity is a condition in which body’s protective mechanism starts to destroy its own cells. The behind reasons includes abrupt food combinations, insecticide treated green vegetables, unnatural life schedule & hereditary factors etc.
![Vitiligo affected hand leucoderma cure](http://leucoderma.in/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/before.jpg)
Vitiligo affected handVitiligo affected hand after cure
Ayurveda is an 5000 year old Indian system of medicine which has great emphasis on the treatment & cure of vitiligo & leucoderma. Basically lot of research has been done in this field by Ayurveda doctors in the past and the R&D is still on towards faster cure of vitiligo & leucoderma.
Ayurhealthline is a specialized ayurvedic vitiligo clinic which has grown with well wishes of its patients since past six years and is providing authentic treatment towards vitiligo cure & leucoderma cure.
Specialized online treatment is proving to be very responsive in Vitiligo and Leucoderma cases.
Anyone across the world can take free suggestion about the disorder online.
i sufferd vitilgo since 15years
I wanted to express my gratituted , and thanks for helping my sister who was suffering from lucodrama, on her both legs.
Around approximately two years ago i came to know about Ayurhealthline, through a common friend who recommended the medicine very strongly, as he knew how my sister was dipressed and used to feel low always about the problem of vitiligo she has, she was suffering this patchase since last five year(s), belive me we tried every possible medicine , from allopathey to homeopathy, which forget helping but harmed her otherwise .since , my friend recommended it so strongly we thought of giving a try. and my sister started using Dr Kamal’s medicine and Miraculously within a one n half months she started showing positive results, she follwoed the instructions of dr kamal, and day by day she started imprvoing ,and she also felt entuastic about the whole situation .
First on her white patches many of skin colour dots appreared which formed in to a normal skin, patches not only started shrinking but the new patches also started disappearing and it completed stoped showing new pathches .
Once my sister had gone in to depression thinking that she wont get cured,and wont be able to enjoy normal life, but now she is smiling back with the confidence, thanks to Dr Ravish kamal , and his Auyrhealthline,
I must tell you one thing here, i must have asked dr Ravish thousands of question about the desease during her course of medicine, but each time doctor gave us petient and help ful answer(s), he is so kind and helpful and always explained the situation very nicely.
Today my sister has recovered almost 90% of her patches, today my sister is smiling again, and started dreaming again like other normal girls, thanks to dr ravish and auyrhealthline,
Today me and my family is thankful to Dr Ravish for helping us in all aspect of treatment.
All my best wishes and warm regards to Dr Ravish Kamal & Ayurhealtline with a request continue to help the other sufferer who are suffering from vitiligo.
WIth best regares
Being to specialist and knowing i am having Vitiligo can’t be cured really broke me to pieces. Amazing changes started happening after i started with Ayurhealthline. White patch on the right side of my nose begin to show results after 1 month, the skin begins to heal gradually til it is fully covered in 3 months. Coming to the 5th month of taking Ayurhealthline and with Dr. Ravish’s advice on my diet i begin to see more improvements, pores on my back patch are darkening almost 90% and some patches on my both thighs and torso are also shrinking and i could feel my skin glowing and lips turning pink and no longer PALE. At the moment, the spreading is under control and im so happy about the results im getting as i have patches all over my body from face to foot. Ayurhealthline have changed my life for good and i cannot wait to be healed completely. Thank you Dr Ravish for creating magic.
Hi Dr
Many congrats on launching the blog which will go a long way to eradicate vitiligo.
I am indebted to Dr Ravish for a miracle that I am lucky to witness in my case. I have had vitiligo of a segmental nature on my legs since 1969 and the traetment was effective in part and stagnant patches remained on my knuckles. Since 2007 the pld patches started coming back and with a number of new patches on hands as well.Again I must thank Dr Ravish for a miracle treatment at Ayurhealthline and as a result of that since 10feb2009 I can say that 35-45% patches have disappeared and best part being an absolute stoppage of new spots apart from a few .
Also I am so hapy for this divine miracle treatment and my stagnant patches of 35-40 years are squeezing from sides. I am hoping for the miracle to continue and wish all the best to my fellow bloggers .
Best Regards
I was suffering from white patches since past 14 years. Before coming to Ayurhealthline I had tried almost all types of treatment but with no results. Even a particular type of treatment aggravated my patches once. But in Ayurhealthline with their herbal medicines, my patches started converting darker only after 15th day of treatment. Afterwards some patches are now closed and some are in process of closing. Now I can say that after 16 months of treatment from Ayurhealthline I am almost 90% recovered. Now I am feeling more confident as my face is 100% recovered. Rest 10% patch areas are also recovering faster. Thanks to Ayurhealthline for returning my self esteem…hope this will guide bloggers….
Hello Dr,
I am very much thankful for the happiness brought all the way in my life.
I am cured almost 90% within a span of 1 year and am sure i will be 100% cured within few months.
The cure is just a wonder for me as I had never thought that there could be any remedy for my vitiligo. Thanks Ayurhealthline
sir my father has white spot on his body.. and we want treatment of his white spot can u give us details that where should we get treatment of it. and how much it would be cost of treatment..
veer singh.
My husband has been taking this Ayurhealthline vitiligo treatment for the past five months. Though it started little slow, later it picked up, and started showing good results. The main concern, “appearance of new spots ” have stopped, and the existing ones are also filling up well.
Thanks doctor for the treatment. Awaiting to write more of our experiences.
i had one spot in my body few years back, now before this 2 days i found a new spot in my lip.pls help
Dr.Ravish Kamal Sir,
I have already written to you and you also suggested me the start of treatment. Iwas affected by Jaundice some two months back. I am on the treatment for Jaundice.Doctor will it be in order for me to start treatment for vitiligo while taking treatment for Jaundice?
Can some one plesse tell what heiped you with youtr vitilego treatment. My sone has got it and I need some help. My email is ashwini@xtra.co.nz
some white patch has occured on my right and it is visible since one week and there is some likely hood of patch on my forehead. i consulted Doctor he has given medicine to applly and two tablets. i am terribly depressed pl advise me immediatly.
plg give me more deatials
i use UV B therapies can i also use your medicine side by side would it be harmful….if i use both
I am 22years old .iam suffering from Luco Or Vitiligo last 15 years.I am use English medicine some year but nearly five years i use ayurvedic medicine(Hamderd,charac)but my problem is not well(Plz send me details) i am very thankful to you
hello sir,
i m suffering from vitiligo from past 18 yrs,i dnt have any family history of this, i tried all kind of treatment, but i cant get help from anyone,its spreading in all over my body day by day, plz can you help me, i wana live a normal life like other but i couldn’t.is this surely curable, be=cz now i m so much tiered & depressed.
Basically allopath treatment is not useful in vitiligo as they depend on corticosteroid treatment which temporarly supress it for some time which again gets aggravated after completion of its doses. So english medicines can not treat it from roots which ayurveda can do.
Mail us for the details on mail@ayurhealthline.com
Hello dr,
I m having white patches frm 10yrs.. Before i hav done course of allopathy 5yrs bt i just gt fad up off with ths medicine… N my weigh increases due to steroids. So i stoped it before…
I have spots on my thigh..ankle joints.. n on finger tips.. Can u please advice me proper treatment…
Dear Sir,
I am now 25 years old, have had vitiligo from 6 years of age, Have it in my legs, back, now starting face – have taken UV Treatment – has not worked, Have taken Aurvedic for 2 mnths, one patch went but suffered skin (tissue burn ) and stopped treatment – Now I am out of India, need medice , hence contacting you , pls help
My son who is 8 yrs old is suffering from luecoderma………..What diet he has to follow?
Hello DR.Kamal
I am in urgent need of your’s consultation. My husband’s palm is having some discoloured spots. Can you please guide me whether we should start the treatment right away.
Hi Dr ravish,
I want to contact you. please give me u r personal mail id and contact # so i can contact you because i am also suffering from last eight yrs. please provide me these informations asap
hi! Plz mail your address i want to consult
Am also suffering vitilgo for almost 3 years.I dont know how to overcome this.I have only 1 patch in my thigh.It’s gradually increasing.
Please suggest me what i need to do.
hello sir,
i m suffering from vitiligo from past 3 yrs,i dnt have any family history of this, i tried all kind of treatment, but i cant get help from anyone,its spreading in all over my body day by day, plz can you help me, i wana live a normal life like other but i couldn’t.is this surely curable, be=cz now i am so much tiered & depress
hello Dr
i suffering vitiligo for 9 years,befor my patches were small but now i think they spread and larg .please help me Dr
plz will anyone help me by giving cell no. and address of dr. ravish kamal ….plz help me out.
sir….how to get rid of this problem?????i have vitiligo on my back and never used for this any medicines….l should have to do ???
can you suggest me medicine plzzzzzzzzzz???
My brother is 28 yrs old is suffering from lucoderma since 8 yrs. He has white patch es on elbow and nuckles. Please provide a treatment.
i m suffering frm lecodrama ,,, i need ur help,, please doctor sent me your contact number, address on my email…
please some give me the adress and contact number,,, i will be very thankful,, i suffering frm lecodarma,,
at amanpreet_220590@yahoo.in
hi dr ravish kamal
plz give me your contact numberand adressi need ur help
hi Dr. I am patient of leucoderma and looking for treatment so pls help me
i really need to contact you.
i am having this disease and its increasing day by day.
please reply
Hi sir,
Plz mail me your Address i want to consulat you,
I am also suffering vitilgo for almost 5 years on wards i my both hands, it’s increasing day by day
please suggeast me what i have to do.
sir plz tell me the way how to go for your treatment,m really depressed suffering from this disorder of the skin.i cud go out wid my friends n family.its been 12 years since i have this disorders.some of the patches have been cured,bt some are stubborn…plz help me n suggest ur advice…!!
Hello sir
My brother has some kind of white spots it may be leucoderma. He has suffered since 10-11 years. We tried every possible medicine to cure leucoderma but couldnot cure it. He is in great depression as he wanted to join indian army but due to white patches he thrown out many times. Please help me out.
My wife is suffering from vitiligo ince 10 years, and tried Allopathy, Homoeopathy and Unani treatment but relaps, Please guide
Ihave white spots on my foot and legs and one on wrist from last 8years pls give me treatment for this
Respected Sir \ Madam,
I m suffreing from luecoderma\vtiligo. i dont what is this but its reallly making my life tough, sometimes it makes me to take some wrong decision.m suffering this problem since 03 years. there is red-whitish mark on my lips(upper and lower).
Please help me…
want numbers of ur patients and wanna talk to them about success stories.my sister has got vitilgo.i request all the members to pls pls contact on 9702211467 or suhhas_k@rediffmail.com