Vitiligo in Children – Precautions & Treatment
Small kids are very much prone to immunological disorders. Their food habits are mostly responsible for all this. The hygiene also plays a vital role in balancing immunity of children.
Vitiligo is an immunological disorder developed due to Autoimmunity. Autoimmunity is an immunological status in which the body cells get destroyed by body’s own defense system.
Precaution for vitiligo in children
Mostly children do not care about what they eat. But parents should be cautious enough what their children eat & drink. Here are some points to focus:
Junk food intake should be avoided in regular manner as the chemicals inside could supress the immunity levels.
Cleanliness of hands should be taken care of as it may contain bacteria & viruses which can lead to diseases. Diseases generally destroy immunity level.
Longer outdoor session in daytime sun could also harm if it is done regularly.
Sometimes unwanted supplements uses can be harmful if not prescribed by a doctor.
Treatment of Vitiligo in children
Children usually respond well and fast with herbal treatment in case of vitiligo & leucoderma. As in Ayurvedic treatment the medicines given are basically to improve & stabilize the immunity as well as it activates pigmentation on the patches.
A slight food restriction should also be followed with the treatment as many items like some fermented food items, vitamin C containing food products & fruits can start vitiligo spread.
In Ayurhealthline most of the children suffering from vitiligo starts getting initial results within 6-8 weeks of treatment. This includes spread control and pigmentation. The spots over upper body areas generally respond first leading to coverage towards lower body area patches.
The treatment offered by Ayurhealthline is designed as safe and is free from side & adverse effects.
my child is 8 years old and one monty before one white spot on his heal till date i am giving english treatment but i am not satisfied pls help me to guid .
My child is 4years old and 4 months before awhite spot on his both eye lids and I treatment homeopathy still date but doctor reply it is not vitiligo. I yester day consult a skin specialist MBBS who reply it’s a vitiligo and he starts treatment and use a oral medicine #prednisolone sodium phosphate and use dermadew baby cream and tacrolimus ointment 0.1%w/w. Are sure it is better treatment for vitiligo. Pls best guide line.
Generally medicines like steroids have temporary effects in vitiligo with lot of other side effects. You should go for holistic Ayurveda treatment for Vitiligo.