Tag Archives: vitiligo treatment at home

Top 5 Superfoods for Vitiligo & Leucoderma


Any white depigmented area with permanent water margin can be termed as ‘White spot’. In Latin, it is ‘’VITILIGO’. It starts with a small spot and has the tendency to form new patches. These spots further have the tendency to merge into each other forming a large white patch. As per Ayurveda, it is due to imbalance of Tridosha’s. Behind reason could be improper hygiene, regular intake of odd foods/junk food/taking milk and sour items together. This imbalance affects the immune system adversely. Following these production of melanin (pigments) gets disturbed due to which loss of color occurs in some of the skin areas. 

Mostly diet restrictions have a key role in treatment and management of vitiligo. Today we are going to discuss some food items which can help in faster healing of vitiligo. Just changing your food habits can do much in vitiligo cure. 

These are some top 5 superfoods which can really help in vitiligo :

  1. Dates  

Dates are helpful in pigmentation as they are rich in copper, these help in pigment accumulation over the skin cells. Taking 4 – 6 dates daily in the morning can do wonders in vitiligo. 

2. Figs (Dried)

Dried Figs are rich in nutrition as they have copper, magnesium, and vitamin B. These collectively help in the process of melanogenesis due to which pigments are formed for skin protection. 

3. Beetroot 

Beetroot is widely available across. Beets are rich in folate and iron. These help with blood circulation and help in restoring pigmentation over the skin. Along with this it helps to boost your immune system. 

4. Carrot 

Carrot is a natural super food. It has natural photosynthetic property for vitiligo re-pigmentation. The antioxidants inside helps to improve immune system. Carrot along with beetroot combined in form of juice is a wonder combination for vitiligo healing. 

5. Copper glass full of water 

Drinking glass full of copper jug water, which is stored overnight, will be a great benefit in vitiligo. Copper helps to accumulate pigments over the skin cells. It also helps with digestion and is a great supplement for liver function. 

The above-mentioned advice should not be considered as a home remedy for vitiligo. Taking these supplemental food items along with vitiligo treatment will surely help. These will help in pigmentation over the spots along with spreading control. 

Understanding the complex nature of vitiligo, we advise Ayurvedic Vitiligo treatment with specialists along with strict food restrictions guidance. 

Home Treatment for Vitiligo

Vitiligo is a complex disorder which exerts tremendous pressure on sufferer’s mind due to its presence over skin which can be easily noticeable socially. Since past many years vitiligo has affected numerous persons emotionally and treatments offered in modern medical science actually has complicated this ailment, so search of correct medicine and treatment is being searched by most of the vitiligo patients. Home treatment for vitiligo do not indicate towards home remedies, it indicates about the correct vitiligo treatment to be used at home. 

Herbal Ayurvedic Treatment for vitiligo at home can be taken by patients as it can be used at comfort of their home. Ayurhealthline is providing Anti-Vitiligo Kit Ayurvedic Treatment since last 17 years which is provided after consultation from the specialist and then be given to the patient which they use at their home. 

Normally the results of home treatment for vitiligo by Ayurhealthline gets initiated within 2-2.5 months in form of brown spots formation over the white spots. The spreading of vitiligo also starts to reduce and stop in 3-4 months depending upon the case. Apart from medicines home treatment for vitiligo also guides about food and diet restrictions in vitiligo. The restrictions is advised after consultation by the vitiligo specialist which helps in gaining satisfactory results. There are certain minute things which are restricted for vitiligo patients. Under home treatment for vitiligo a patient can easily follow the restrictions as he/she remains on home cooked food.  

Environmental change for a vitiligo patient could be harmful, if a patient takes home treatment for vitiligo then he/she will be safe under single environmental situation while residing in his/her home. This will help in faster recovery form vitiligo. Medicine routine and intake schedule is necessary in vitiligo treatment which can be followed best inside home treatment. Managing kids suffering from vitiligo is easy under home treatment for vitiligo. 

Herbal medicines for vitiligo are both oral and applicable. Under home treatment for vitiligo a patient can easily manage to apply the medicine over the spots easily and effectively. Similarly, he/she can intake oral herbal medicines on time. Collectively these will help in faster cure of vitiligo spots. In some vitiligo cases after few months of treatment sun exposure may be advised, in such scenario exposure to the sun might be very easy for a patient under home treatment for vitiligo.  

Thus, Herbal Ayurvedic Treatment for vitiligo is recommended best for vitiligo treatment and if it is done under home then it’ll be most beneficial and effective for healing of vitiligo