Leucoderma treatment in ayurveda

Is Vitiligo a Social Stigma ?

Due to abrupt food habits and hygiene the auto immune disorders have got common nowadays. Plenty of junk food intake, pesticide-insecticide treated fruits and vegetables are among the top sources which are challenging our immunity regularly. As a result, vitiligo, leucoderma, alopecia, hypothyroidism and other autoimmune disorders are occurring to many people.

            Vitiligo is caused due to pigment loss from the skin. The melanocyte cells which are responsible for re-pigmentation cycle gets dormant or become dead if autoimmune triggers. This results into no production of melanocytes pigment. Therefore, colorless skin appears on some part of the skin. This is termed vitiligo.

            In countries like India and other Asian countries vitiligo is considered like a social disorder. Some of the affected person may have to face so many challenges in his/her daily life. As it is a visible disorder and can be easily detected, the sufferer sometimes gets into depression if somebody apprehends to even talk to him/her due to this. The visibility of the patch distinguishes the sufferer from other normal persons. This has high impact into his social life which make them more stressful. Sometimes Marriage negotiations and other social activities gets affected if a person is having vitiligo. This is a bitter truth, but it happens.

            In US and European countries which are developed, the influence of vitiligo is minimal. Due to their fair skin tone sometimes vitiligo patch remains hidden and unnoticeable. But in some visible areas like face and other exposed areas sometimes Vitiligo can be even more prominent.

            In any situation and location, the social importance of Vitiligo cannot be ruled out. Therefore, medically vitiligo must be treated from roots. The root cause removal treatment can be possible best in Ayurveda.

For this treatment should be taken from a Vitiligo specialist only. Along with herbal medicines, there are certain and minute food restrictions which are important and mandatory in vitiligo. Herbal treatment and food-lifestyle guidance can only be possible through a vitiligo specialist.

            Considering vitiligo, a social stigma seems to be true under such situations but there is always a way forward.

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