There are lot of treatments advised for vitiligo in children. Among those allopathy or English system of medicines are most advised but these will not help in complete healing of vitiligo issue.
Steroidal treatment has its own drawbacks which results in various side effects. Adverse effects on vital organs are possible under such chemical treatments. Advocating such English treatments for vitiligo in children could result into more complexities and side effects. Other treatments like UV and light treatment have their own complications. Prolonged uses of this can make the vitiligo skin stubborn in children.
Best treatment for vitiligo in children is done through Natural Herbal Treatment. Ayurveda deals in a better way for vitiligo in children. Mild herbs formulation with topical herbal applications are advised by vitiligo specialists for complete cure of vitiligo in children. Rectification of disturbed immunity (autoimmunity) is done best by ayurveda herbs. Immunity improvement is a nature of ayurvedic medicines. This is of immense help in vitiligo. The improved immunity helps to stop vitiligo in children. Another set of herbs works on inactive melanin cells and reactivate them. This helps in re-pigmentation over the vitiligo spots. Gradual coverage of spots gets started within two weeks of treatment under ayurveda. The harmless herbs remain safe even for 6 months kids.
Vitiligo prevention and treatment in children is done best under Ayurvedic treatment. The Herbal specialist also advises dos and don’ts for herbal treatment. Proper guidance for restricting food items is given to the patient by the vitiligo specialist. The natural herbal formula makes ayurveda the safest way of treating vitiligo in children. Lifestyle restrictions are also advised to children.
Online consultation for vitiligo in children is available for patients across the world. The consultation remains free by the vitiligo specialist. Please feel free to consult.